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Monday, October 28, 2013

Energize Your Weight Loss - The Weight Loss Coaching Secrets of How to Stay Motivated

Are you feeling flat and looking for ways to energize your weight loss? Then this article was written with you in mind and will share secrets taught by weight loss coaches on how to get and stay motivated to reach your goal. If you are in need of a boost so you can get the pounds off then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.

Energize Your Weight Loss

1. Look to the positive future. Research into what makes people reach their goals shows that those who lock their attention on the positive things their efforts are leading to have a much higher success rate then those who allow negative thinking to rule their mind. Get good at recognizing negative or limiting thoughts and when you hear them shift your attention to why your goal is important.

2. Make big enough changes to see results. Seeing rapid results is a very powerful motivator. Make changes in your eating and/or exercise that are significant enough to show results and you will feel your motivation grow.

3. Uncover the real reason you want to lose weight. It is easy to find reasons why losing weight is important, you want to fit in your clothing better, improve your appearance and move with more ease but are these reasons enough to carry you through challenges? Do the work to uncover that deep reason that will truly motivate you to lose the weight and you will capture the secret to success.

4. Set smaller goals. You will have a long-term outcome that you are aiming for but you will keep your motivation alive when you set smaller goals to hit along the way. By setting "process" goals such as a goal to exercise 6 days this week or a goal to not snack at night for the week you give yourself multiple victories and constantly energize your weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight With Pcos

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